The comforts of Comfrey
There are many herbs, and even more ways to use them. For post pregnancy ailments, she is a good choice to provide comfort and can aid in the healing process. Comfrey (Symphytum officinalis) is often referred to as "knitbone" due to it's ability to promote mending. The herb contains 'allanton' which aids the healing of torn tissues and can also be used postpartum to provide comfort in several fascinating ways... - As a leaf compress comfrey soothes swollen and sore/tender breasts. - Comfrey Sitz bath or adding some to a peri bottle can relieve tenderness from childbirth. - Some midwives have used a poultice with comfrey and applied to vaginal tears. Comfrey is one of nature's healers, and has many more uses outside of the postpartum period. Throughout various cultures, women have been finding the comforts of comfrey an integral part of their postpartum healing. Comfrey ( Symphytum Officinalis )