Patience and Pregnancy

In the beginning of a pregnancy, it's all so new and exciting. There are all of those 'firsts', hearing the baby's heartbeat, getting that much anticipated sonogram, even those early midwife/OB visits seem to bring on their own special brand of anticipatory excitement. Then that last trimester sneaks right up on us. With the frequent bathroom breaks, seemingly endless cups of water, and aches and pains that go along with growing a human being start to catch up and take a small toll. Many of us 'mothers to be' in that space have a universal feeling of the never ending pregnancy. So, how exactly does one cope with the anxious waiting game associated with the last few weeks, and sometimes, those extra days beyond the prescribed 'due date'? Having patience in pregnancy can be a tall order in the end...take it from me, I was beyond 42 weeks when my little one decided it was time.

The first and best way to handle all that antsy pantsy-ness is pure distraction. It's great to use while in very early labor as well. While most mama's have a 'nesting' phase in the late 3rd trimester, it seems to serve a good purpose. Firstly, it can help you prepare for your new little one, by getting all the clothes, diapers, feeding supplies, and crib all prepared, you are also distracting yourself from playing that waiting game. Not only that, you are gearing up for a wonderful early bonding period because you are gathering all those necessary items beforehand. As any good boy scout can tell you, it's good to be prepared!~

A second way to move your mind away from counting days, is to focus on your support system. If you have a large friend/family circle, you could organize who is doing what and when. This way, you have all of your needs clearly defined, and all of your inner circle can be involved in their own way. (In a way that best suits YOU) This will alleviate some of the "anything you need, just let me know" conversations. You can create a schedule, or even dedicate specific days or even times when you are welcome to visits. If you are comfortable, you could even put in early requests for prepared meals, or laundry help.

Lastly, you could also create a form of documentation of the last days of your pregnancy. Something to add to a baby book, or even the early parts of a photo album. Some ideas to jot down are, special activities you and your significant other did to prepare for the arrival, a favorite 'last date' you may have planned, or even how you are feeling about the impending arrival of your little one. Taking photos to document your growing belly and changing shape during the later stages can be another fun way to document the last days of your pregnancy.

While many a mother has thought she would be pregnant forever, rest assured that every pregnancy will eventually come to fruition and a baby will be earth side. Those last weeks and days are something to treasure for a lifetime.


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